WOW Writers Clubhouse

Digital Academic Writing Courses for Homeschooling Families (3RD-8TH GRADE)

WOW Writers Clubhouse is a digital writing course and community for young writers (3rd-8th grade) designed by credentialed teachers whose mission is to support homeschooling families with everything they need to help their children develop academic essays that will WOW teachers, parents, and peers.

This program is for you if...

  • You're looking for a fun and effective academic writing program this year
  • You want your child to gain confidence along with skills
  • You're searching for someone else to provide the instruction, thus freeing you up for other things
  • Teaching writing is not your passion or talent
  • You are tired of fighting with your child when it comes to writing
  • You need a flexible program that fits your schedule
  • You would appreciate a qualified teacher's feedback and review of your child's writing
  • You'd like to know if your child is writing above or below grade-level standards
  • You are missing accountability, and you know that you and your child need this

Here's a SNEAK πŸ‘€ PEEK


PERSUASIVE TOPIC: The Big Chore Debate

Household chores - someone has to do them. The real question is: Should kids be expedited to help around the house as a responsibility, or should children be paid for their efforts to keep the home and yard clean? In this persuasive course, students will choose a side, come up with supporting reasons, and argue their points.

EXPOSITORY TOPIC: History Detectives

In this expository course, students will detail the historical, factual timeline of... almost anything! Students will outline the development of a person, object, concept, etc., using research and facts to demonstrate their topic's inception, progression, and current state.

NARRATIVE TOPIC: Wrong-Turn Adventure

Oh no! Somewhere along the family road trip, a wrong turn was made... Even worse? Google Maps isn't available to help! Students will write an exciting adventure narrative in which their characters must problem-solve without the help of technology to get their road trip back on track.

How it Works

We believe in quality over quantity.

Quality writing takes time to develop. Many steps are involved, and students can achieve BIG results by taking one small step at a time.

Our writing program spends four full weeks teaching students how to vet their topic, organize their thoughts, write a rough draft, revise, edit, and publish.

Below is the breakdown of our WOW process.

What You Get

Joy - Confidence - Self-Expression

Our program instills joy, confidence, and self-expression in writing. It offers priceless emotional growth beyond standard materials, making it an invaluable experience for students and parents. Of course, it also comes with other tangible things.

Get started now!

Next Steps

🏫 For families planning to use charter school funds, please πŸ”— click here to get started.

🏦 For families paying out-of-pocket, please click the "Enroll in Course for $396" button.

πŸ—“ If you'd like to schedule a call or Zoom meeting, please πŸ”— click here.

Your Instructor

Melissa Webb
Melissa Webb

My Passions

  • Creating a curriculum that is fun and effective for 3rd-8th graders
  • Helping parent-teachers and home educators work less and achieve more
  • Supporting school choice

My Qualifications

  • Credentialed Teacher
  • 30+ Years of Teaching Practice
  • Multiple Years of Classroom Teaching
  • Former Homeschool Mom
  • Charter School Supporter
  • Former Educational Facilitator to Homeschoolers
  • Award Winning Online Writing Courses
  • Online Instructor
  • Published Author
  • Podcaster

My Writing Services

  • Digital Course Development
  • Foundational ELA Standards Based Lessons
  • Online Instruction
  • Live Webinars and Workshops
  • Community Creator for Parents and Students
  • Homeschooling Encouragement and Coaching